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Advertise with Royal Draw

Reach hundreds of thousands of consumers when you advertise with Royal Draw!

Drive traffic to your site and increase your sales through a customizable campaign with Royal Draw.

We offer display advertising on our website and in our daily emails, as well as the unique opportunity to provide an incentivized Offer. Beacuse our users are highly active on the site on a daily basis, all of our solutions provide great exposure and value for your brand.

Our advertising team will work with you to ensure your campaign fits your marketing objectives.

Highlights of campaigning with Royal Draw:

  • Your ads will be seen by hundreds of thousands of visitors a day
  • Increased site traffic and sales
  • Full colour and/or animated ads
  • Target a relevant audience
  • Performance tracking
  • Dedicated campaign manager for on-going support

Request our Media Kit to learn more about campaigning with Royal Draw.
